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WTR1000 2019
Nieuws 4 feb 2019

NLO Shieldmark wordt wederom sterk aanbevolen door WTR1000

NLO Shieldmark wordt opnieuw ten zeerste aanbevolen in de 2019 editie van de World Trademark Review 1000. Europees merken- en modellengemachtigden Jeroen Cornelis, Masja van der Galiën, Marlous Stal-Hilders en Milca Graver-de Looper hebben individuele lof ontvangen voor hun werk.

Over NLO Shieldmark en onze adviseurs

Het vervolg van dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar is het Engels.

"NLO Shieldmark has consistently been “the go-to for IP prosecution”. Famous for its innovative thinking, efficiency, responsiveness, approachability and great teamwork, NLO Shieldmark is the top EU trademark filer among Dutch firms. Forming a constellation of stars are Marlous Stal-Hilders, Masja van der Galiën and Milca Graver-de Looper, each of whom garners eager praise from the market."

"Dynamic all-rounder Marlous Stal-Hilders is an outstanding attorney who manages portfolios effectively while keeping costs to a minimum.”

NLO Shieldmark is the top EU trademark filer among Dutch firms.

“Extremely diligent, Masja van der Galiën resolves matters at the snap of a finger while maintaining gold-level quality. She is always on the ball and accomplishes an astounding number of tasks during any given day.”

Milca Graver-de Looper understands her clients and is good at setting priorities. When faced with a problem she thinks outside the box and is willing go the extra mile to get jobs done the right way. She is also a great choice for negotiations – she keeps a cool head which enables her to amicably settle matters.”

"Jeroen Cornelis is another dignitary of the practice. He has a strategic focus on Asia and regularly travels to the continent as part of giving a personal service to his Chinese, Japanese and South Korean clients."

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