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Dustin Vink

Dustin Vink

Dutch and European patent attorney
I am a Dutch and European patent attorney specialised in dynamic systems, control engineering and mechatronics. My work focuses on drafting and prosecution of patent applications in various fields of technology, such as mechanical & electrical engineering, physics, telecommunications/networks, and computer implemented methods.


  • Physics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Telecommunications

I joined NLO in 2012. Previously, I worked for the Norwegian multinational Aker Solutions in the automation domain. As the company’s team member, I was responsible for developing and implementing technical software. I continued my career with AkzoNobel to further develop my technical software and data management expertise.


  • BSc in Mechanical Engineering, Hanzehogeschool Groningen (the Netherlands)
  • MSc in Mechanical Engineering - Dynamics & Control, University of Bath (UK) 
  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering - Dynamics & Control, University of Glasgow (Scotland, UK)

Published by Dustin Vink