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Chemistry & Pharmacy

Chemistry sector

Our expertise

Chemical innovations take place over a wide area. For example, innovations relating to food, drugs, fuels and detergents. New inventions or applications of existing materials ensure a continuous stream of innovations within this field. NLO's chemistry teams consist of attorneys with diverse, relevant specialisations in this sector. Our IP specialists are experienced in intellectual property, business and / or research institutes. They are familiar with all ins & outs on current developments and regulations.

Our clients

NLO's clients operate in in fields like food technology, polymer chemistry and process technology. Are you interested in the dynamic world of Chemistry and would you like to know more about the importance of patents and other intellectual property topics in this sector? Please contact our NLO IP experts.

NLO Experts

NLO believes in the power of innovation to drive progress. Our experts go beyond IP protection; we provide the expertise, strategic guidance, and dedication needed to nurture your ideas, trademarks, and designs to create lasting impact. Our international team of experts ensures you can focus on what matters most – driving the future forward.