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Agneta Veženkova

Agneta Veženkova

European patent attorney
Integrity, a strong work ethic and in-depth comprehension of clients' needs are the core values that guide my professional conduct. Before joining NLO, I accrued eight years of experience across both the Patent Office and private practice in Latvia. This diverse background has equipped me with the ability to approach patent law from different perspectives.


  • Chemistry
  • Process technology
  • Food

My academic background includes Chemical Technology and Material Science. While pursuing my Master's degree, I discovered my interest in the legal aspects of scientific innovation. This realization motivated me to pursue a career in intellectual property.

I became a qualified Latvian Patent Attorney in 2018 and have since been dedicated to expanding my knowledge and expertise. As I value opportunities for continuous growth and development, pursuing a qualification as a European Patent Attorney was a natural progression.

Training & Education

  • Training European patent attorney, DeltaPatents, and Centre d' Études Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle, Université de Strasbourg (CEIPI)
  • CEIPI “Basic Course on Patents”
  • M.Sc.Ing. Nanotechnologies, Riga Technical university (Latvia)
  • B.Sc.Ing. Chemical Engineering, Riga Technical university (Latvia)
