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Ann-Sofie Hallbäck

Ann-Sofie Hallbäck

European patent attorney
I am a European patent attorney working mainly in the fields of telecommunication, electronics and software. I also have experience in physics and mechanics. My job involves assisting the client in various stages of the patenting procedure, including draft and prosecution.


  • Telecommunications
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Computers/Software
  • Physics
  • Mechanical Engineering

I have a diverse background in the field of patents, including experience in private practice, industry and the European Patent Office. This has given me a good insight into the patenting procedure as well as the perspective of the client. In addition, I have gained an understanding of the client’s need to protect their inventions as well as to avoid any potential problems with third party rights.

I love working in the field of patents because it combines technology with language and patent law, and constantly exposes me to new ideas and new technology.

I love working in the field of patents because it combines technology with language and patent law, and constantly exposes me to new ideas and new technology. I enjoy diving into the technical details, understanding how things work and formulating convincing arguments based on patent law.


  • MSc Engineering Physics (2002), Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
  • PhD Applied Physics (2006), Twente University, the Netherlands
