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Astrid Kret

Astrid Kret-Boermeester

Benelux and European trademark and design attorney
I am a Benelux and European trademark and design attorney. I work primarily for small and medium-sized businesses in various sectors and enjoy helping them protect their trademarks and designs.


  • Copyright
  • Licence agreement
  • Trademark law
  • Design law

As a trademark and design attorney, I am involved in the entire lifecycle of trademarks and designs, from advising on registering trademarks to investigating availability and filing trademark registrations. I also act for clients where rights have been infringed, including, where necessary, initiating opposition procedures.

I will be pleased to advise you on how best to protect your trademarks and designs.

I have been working for NLO Shieldmark since 1996 and really enjoy the diversity of my work. My many years of experience mean I can adopt a practical approach to all the different issues that can arise in trademark, design, tradename and copyright law. And what obviously matters most in all these cases are my client’s wishes and interests.


  • Professional education Benelux Trademarks and Design Law
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