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NLO Associate partner, Dutch and European patent attorney Bas Verschoor

Bas Verschoor

Associate partner, Dutch and European patent attorney
With more than 20 years of experience as a patent attorney, I specialise in protecting innovations and drafting and negotiating IP-related contracts. My goal is to help clients protect their innovations and help realise their business ambitions. An effective strategy for patents, trade secrets and contracts is essential here. My expertise lies mainly in the fields of applied physics, mechanics, (green) energy, lithography, navigation, process technology and offshore.


  • Antibody
  • Co-existence agreement
  • Computers/Software
  • Contracts
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Pharma
  • Physics
  • Gene therapy
  • Semiconductor topographies
  • Oligonucleotide
  • Oppositions
  • Polymer chemistry
  • Process technology
  • Telecommunications
  • Food
My goal is to help clients protect their innovations and help realise their business ambitions

As a patent attorney, I work at the intersection of law and technology. With my background as a physicist and lawyer, I therefore feel completely at home at NLO. It remains fascinating to get to the bottom of inventions and protect them optimally. Patent protection is often the best option, but a sound contract strategy and approach to protecting trade secrets are also often crucial components of a successful IP strategy. 

My approach is practical and focused on solutions that are clear and applicable, with the client's commercial strategy always at the centre.



- Applied Physics, TU Delft

- Bachelor in Law, Leiden University

- Dutch patent attorney

- European patent attorney