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Portret Rogier Schipdam

Rogier Schipdam

Manager Operations
As Manager Operations, I am responsible for the Operations departments, the NLO experts in IP administrative services, Search & Watch and Illustrations. As such, we guarantee the delivery of efficient and high-quality services, so that clients and colleagues can focus on their core activities.

My background is in Business Administration. Since 2012, I have worked in various management positions, varying from managing advisory teams to leading a Customer Service department. As department manager, I focus on creating the right conditions in which both the department and staff can excel in their work. Constructive collaboration is key here:

'If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.'

In my free time, I love going to extremes, on a mountain bike or skis for example.


  • Business Administration, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Commercial Economics, HES Amsterdam School of Business
  • Black Belt Lean Six Sigma, UNC