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Tariq Shajahan

Tariq Shajahan

Trainee patent attorney
I work in the field of intellectual property rights, mainly relating to technologies like Process Flow, Energy, Microfluidics, Mechanical Devices & Fixtures, Aerospace, Automobile, Electronics, Learning Models, and Optics. I am part of NLO's Physics and Engineering team in The Hague.


  • Electrical Engineering
  • Energy
  • Physics
  • Oppositions
  • Mechanical Engineering

After spending nearly a decade at the university and a brief stint in a start-up, I decided to move into the field of intellectual property rights. A few years into this profession, I am convinced that this was the right decision for me.

I am a friendly person who really enjoys working with people. Being a patent attorney not only allows me to do this but also to stay on top of the cutting-edge developments in the industry.

My technical background and patent experience give me an edge when handling patent prosecution matters. My legal experience focuses on advancing my clients' inventions from a written draft to a granted patent. I also provide insight via infringement analyses, novelty searches, freedom-to-operate evaluations, and strategic patent advice. My goal is to deliver practical, client-centred solutions in line with my belief that understanding technology and the market is pivotal. I aim to provide transparent and effective counsel to clients seeking patent solutions.

Training & Education

  • PhD in Process and Energy (2024), TU Delft
  • MSc in Aerospace Engineering (2016), TU Delft


  • T. Shajahan, T. Schouten, S. K. R. Raaghav, C. van Rhee, G.H. Keetels, W.-P. Breugem, “Characteristics of Slurry Transport Regimes: Insights from Experiments and Interface-Resolved Direct Numerical Simulations”, 2024
  • T. Shajahan & W.-P. Breugem “Inertial effects sedimenting suspensions of solid spheres in a liquid”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2023
  • T. Shajahan & W.-P. Breugem, “Influence of concentration on sedimentation of a dense suspension in a viscous fluid”, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 2020