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News 3 Feb 2023

Lunch Seminar Tiberghien and NLO

Written by Ben Brigou
A multitude of Belgian companies are working on an innovative future every day. Perhaps also at your organisation. Many entrepreneurs are aware that innovation drives future business growth, in practice one has to conclude that these growth engines are not always adequately protected and consequently not optimally used for tax purposes.

This can be done differently and therefore Tiberghien and NLO invite you to a Lunch Seminar on one of the following days:

  • Tiberghien Ghent
    Esplanade Oscar Vande Voorde 1, 9000 Ghent
    Tuesday 28 February 2023, 12:00-14:00
  • Tiberghien Antwerp
    Grotesteenweg 214/b4, 2600 Antwerp
    Tuesday 7 March 2023, 12:00-14:00

These sessions are in Dutch. If you are interested in an English session on this topic, please let the organisers know. They will take this into account in the future.

Register here

This seminar is free of charge. Will you join us for lunch while we discuss the following topics with you?

  • Protecting intellectual property for tax benefits
    We start with a brief overview of what intellectual property is, with a focus on the basics of patents. We will then discuss the Belgian patent system, the application process and associated costs, focusing on the interaction of patents with taxation.

  • Tax benefits associated with intellectual property rights
    We share a global overview of the tax incentives related to investments in innovation (with an emphasis on the innovation deduction), accompanied by the necessary points of attention and pitfalls encountered in practice.

We look forward to welcoming you.
Mitchell Hoefman | Senior Associate Tiberghien
Ben Brigou | Patent Attorney NLO
