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Alternative IP rights

Alternative IP rights

The registration of patent rights is not always the best way to protect your innovations and inventions. Sometimes it may not even be possible to apply for a patent. In other cases, it may be better to protect your intellectual property with utility design rights, trademarks or chip rights.

These are some of our alternative IP rights services

Chip rights

The protection of the unique lay-out of a semiconductor product (chip or integrated circuit, IC) falls under the topography right, also known as ‘chip right’. In the Netherlands this right has been laid down in the Legal Protection of Original Topographies of Semiconductor Products Act. The act grants designers the exclusive right to manufacture, sell, import and stock the product with the topography or the topography itself. For certain products designers will usually have a certain level of freedom in designing the chip’ lay-outs, which usually makes them unique.

The chip right follows upon filing which means submitting a request including the details of the unique lay-out. NLO will be happy to arrange matters for you.