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Marta Alvarez Guede

Marta Alvarez Guede

Associate partner & European patent attorney
I am a European patent attorney specialised in electrical engineering, particularly telecommunication systems, and computers. I enjoy direct communication with my clients and I am always eager to learn new technologies.


  • Computers/Software
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Telecommunications

I have broad experience in patent drafting, patent prosecution and general advice. I joined NLO in 2012. I have an MSc in Telecommunication Engineering (University of Vigo, Spain) and an MSc in Computer Engineering (TUDelft). I have worked as a patent examiner assistant at the European Patent Office in the Computer and Telecommunications departments. Prior to that, I worked as a lecturer for Electrical Engineering students in the subjects of Digital Signal Processing and Microcontrollers in Spain.

I enjoy using my knowledge to help clients to achieve maximum benefit from their innovation.


  • Master of Science in Computer Engineering at Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands
  • Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering at School of Telecommunication Engineering of the University of Vigo, Spain
