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patent monitoring

Patent monitoring

Keeping track of your competitors
No one likes to be taken by surprise by new competing products or brands. That is why you need to keep an eye on patents and patent applications. You do not have to do this yourself: with our competition monitoring service, all important information will be sent to your mailbox. The timing and frequency are entirely for you to decide.

Our competition monitoring service ensures that you always have the right information at hand to capitalise on upcoming changes, for instance if a company seeks to patent a product that could hamper your activities.


You are always in the loop about:

  • Your competitors’ activities
    This will give you an idea of the new products your competitor is working on behind the scenes.
  • Granting procedures involving threatening patent applications
    Is your competitor applying for a patent that could harm your business? We will keep track of the progress being made, allowing you to take prompt action, for example by initiating opposition proceedings.
  • Developments in particular technical areas
    Are you interested in a specific technology or field of science? We will help you stay abreast of the latest developments.

With this invaluable information, you can determine your strategy to maintain or reinforce your market position.

Any questions?

NLO can help in everything patent-related. Our experts would be happy to assist you. Choose the expert you feel can best answer your questions.