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Unique tool for sequence listings: SQ List it!

We build your ST.26 sequence listings
SQ List it! is NLO’s solution for your sequence listing headaches. It is easy to use and allows you to generate complex listings safely for all your patent applications and patent filings.

Tired of ST.26 sequence listings?

Do you struggle to make the sequence listings for your patent applications? Haven’t you found a workflow since ST.26 came into effect, besides dragging everything into WIPO Sequence and doing a manual clean-up? Anxious to make mistakes? Collect the sequences in your application, put them in a simple template and share them securely. NLO generates the ST.26 compliant sequence listing for you.

Contact our expert for more information about SQ List it!

Why use SQ List it! for your patent applications?

4 Advantages

How does SQ List it! build an ST.26?

The ST.26 XML file is built automatically via our proprietary platform based on the template you share. The automation saves time, eliminates human errors and accommodates complex listings. Putting in lengthy genomes or highly modified proteins is not an obstacle. At the same time, our smart solution flags potential issues such as:

  • duplicated sequences;
  • unexpected nucleotide;
  • amino acid patterns;
  • incompatible modifications.

Afterwards, the sequence listing is validated using WIPO’s validator. This workflow saves time and costs, while alerting you of potential issues before an application is filed.

Your ST.26 sequence data is secure

Handling your valuable data securely and responsibly is key. NLO processes your sequences without storing any data in the long term. A service level agreement regulates all security details. SQ List It! is a separate NLO service that does not lead to any further obligation to NLO.

Pricing and contact

SQ List it! pricing is transparent and we are happy to tell you more about this advantageous offer.

Patent attorney Dietmar Hertsen developed SQ List It! With a proven track record, he is happy to tell you all about using this tool for your sequences. Contact Dietmar at

Interested? Contact us!

Contact Dietmar for more information
SQ List It! is developed by Dietmar Hertsen, a patent attorney at NLO. With a proven track record, he is happy to tell you all about using SQ List It! for your sequences.