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Alternative IP rights

Alternative IP rights

A trademark registration is not the only way to protect your product or service. There are several other options available to you that can provide additional protection. These include registering a design that protects the physical appearance of your product or applying for patent to secure the technical innovation of your product or service. NLO would be happy to assist you in your application process for these IP rights.

You can apply for patent protection of technical innovations (“inventions”) you have discovered during the development of a product or service. Indeed, any invention, whether it concerns a major technical breakthrough or a small, unexpected improvement, qualifies for a patent as long as it meets the patentability criteria. To find out more, please visit our page on patent law. Our NLO patent attorneys are here to advise you on these types of matters.

Registering your design protects the appearance of the product, i.e. the design, but it does not protect the technical elements. This is where a patent comes in. NLO Shieldmark’s trademark attorneys would be pleased to inform you of all the options available to you.

If you are looking to take a brand or product to market or would like to commercially exploit your brand or product in some other way, we recommend formalising this in a contract or deed. At NLO Shieldmark, we would be pleased to offer our support in terms of negotiating, drafting and drawing up various types of IP-related contracts.