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NLO Gold Firm Trademark Designs Intellectual Property
News 4 Feb 2025

NLO once again awarded 'Gold firm' in WTR1000 ranking

NLO has been awarded 'Gold firm' in the WTR1000 ranking. We are very grateful and would like to thank all clients, agents and other business relations for their positive feedback. Its a wonderful recognition of our organisation and our people and we are so proud of this excellent result.des
Recommendation NLO Gold Firm by WTR1000

Gold Firm | Benelux agencies

WTR 1000: ""NLO's experts stay at the forefront of developments in the intellectual property market, leveraging this up-to-date insight to ensure optimal management of our clients’ IP portfolios, safeguarding their innovations and driving long-term success."


Recommended Individuals

Managing partner Jeroen Cornelis stands out as a rigorously business-minded practitioner who manages colossal global trademark portfolios with aplomb. Department head Marlous Stal-Hilders’ former in-house experience and vast skillset sees her called in for all the most complex office actions, oppositions and cancellations. Florence Tordoir deftly manages trademark portfolios for companies leading the way in their various fields. She ensures her strategic advice aligns with business realities. Merel Kamp and Masja van der Galiën have superb track records and are praised by clients for their efficient and effective strategies when handling all manner of trademark matters. With nearly four decades of experience under her belt, Milca Graver-de Looper is a safe pair of hands when it comes to trademark, copyright and domain name protection, and she has been recommended in the WTR 1000 every year since 2013.

About the WTR 1000

The WTR1000 stands for The World's Leading Trademark Professionals and is a guide is exclusively dedicated to identifying the world’s leading trademark legal services providers. Through an extensive research process conducted by a team of analysts, the publication identifies the leading trademark law firms and individuals in over 80 global jurisdictions and US states.


All rankings can be found on the WTR website